6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. KJV

In this teaching from the Apostle Paul we see an exhortation to give unto those that are teaching you God’s truths. This means that the Preacher, Pastor, Evangelist or simply put the Minister that is personally teaching you something about God’s Will, which should be based upon His Word, could be given financial support by you. The word “communicate” means to share with others (distribute), for this particular scripture the minister gives you God’s Word of priceless value and you in return for that favor give back unto them a small token of your appreciation. They minister to you with words of life and you minister back unto them a financial portion of your life. Money can never represent you but it can serve as a small token of what your life was able to produce. The whole Kingdom of God works off of the principle of mutual benefit. This system of mutual benefit is clearly seen in the next verse with the statement, “whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap”. In other words, if you are giving to someone else it is used to benefit the receiver, and because you have blessed someone else the day will come when someone else will give unto you. This is mutual benefit, yes you have sowed to someone else but know according to God’s Word you shall reap for yourself. Financial giving to God’s Kingdom is never one sided. In verse 8 we have confirmation that this is a principle not a formula, which means as a principle it works on both the positive and negative things in this earth. If this were a formula only the right ingredients would make it work and doing nothing would not work against you. However we know that if you don’t give toward anything in God’s Kingdom it is a proven fact that God’s Kingdom will not produce for you financially. Did you know Beloved Child of God, that one could be a Christian who does not believe in giving back unto God for the many blessing He has given unto them. Those who believe against financial offerings for ministers are sowing doubt, unbelief, and disobedience to God’s Word. They are sowing to the flesh, which will result in more fleshly problems coming back to them. Yes, they will reap corruption simply because they have sown corruption by not honoring God’s Word or God’s Minister. Please do not feel like you have to give every time there is an offering but don’t speak against this principle of God. If you believe offerings are right and you do right by giving in some offerings (when you have extra) the Lord promises you personally that you will reap. Now the Apostle Paul is very clear in stating that this is not for the faint of heart. In other words we must exercise patience in our giving of offerings, the reaping may not happen over night, but most assuredly you will reap a return on your giving. In verse 10 the teaching further specifies “when to give” and “whom to look for” when considering your offering. First the statement “As we have therefore opportunity” tells us “the when” and it does not mean every time an offering is mentioned. This means “as you have opportunity”, your opportunity will be governed by your financial state. Your means, your bank account, your saving all play apart because you should not give an offering from what you don’t have. If you have some extra money that you would like to put toward an offering because you have been taught truth by a minister of God, you have at that moment an opportunity. Whenever you receive some solid biblical teaching about God and you also have the means to contribute to that minister (or ministry) you have God’s Word that your giving (offering) will be blessed. The word of God states (verse 10) that your action to give is considered by God as a good deed done toward a man (or woman) of God. The Apostle Paul seems to indicate that giving to those who have taught you God’s Word is good, but be on the look out for those who teach God’s Word of Faith. The household of faith is primarily the Christians because we know that “The Law” is still taught through out the world today and the Law is still God’s Word. However, the Law although it is God’s Word will not set men free because it is not the message of Jesus. We who are of the Household of Faith know that only the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ can set men free. We know that whom the Son has set free is free indeed. Therefore, when you hear this message of Love taught through Jesus Christ it is the message of faith and you will be blessed to support it financially, when you can. Remember offerings are for mutual benefit, they help to aid the minister for the presentation of the Gospel and it will help you receive more from God’s Kingdom. When we can invest into God’s Work we can also be assured that God will invest into our work upon the earth in Jesus Name. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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